Results for 'Ana de Miguel'

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  1. Los feminismos, la genealogía recuperada.Ana de Miguel Álvarez - 2005 - Critica 55 (923):14-19.
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    Ética para Celia: contra la doble verdad.Ana de Miguel Álvarez - 2021 - Barcelona: B.
    Este libro no es solo una ética para chicas, es también una llamada a los chicos para que se atrevan a transgredir de verdad: para que dejen de ponerse en el lugar de sus deseos y se pongan en el lugar de las demás. La filosofía nos enseña que lo importante son las preguntas que nos hacemos, siempre que formulemos bien nuestros interrogantes y nos preguntemos por el fundamento de nuestros proyectos. La ética, por su parte es una invitación a (...)
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    La dialéctica de la Teoría Feminista: lo que nos une, lo que nos separa, lo que nos hace avanzar.Ana De Miguel Álvarez - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:191.
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    La violencia contra las mujeres. Tres momentos en la construcción del marco feminista de interpretación.Ana de Miguel - 2008 - Isegoría 38:129-137.
    Últimamente se han desarrollado nuevos y estimulantes enfoques teóricos sobre los movimientos sociales. Este artículo se basa en las teorías que investigan el papel de los movimientos sociales como creadores de marcos de interpretación, de nuevos «marcos de injusticia» desde los que reinterpretar la realidad y subvertir los códigos culturales dominantes. Estas teorías se aplican a la reconstrucción del actual proceso de deslegitimación de la violencia contra las mujeres. Es posible objetivar tres momentos clave en la redefinición de un hecho (...)
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    Participación, deliberación y excelencia (en la esfera pública y en la esfera privada). En torno a la filosofía política de John Stuart Mill.Ana De Miguel Álvarez - 2011 - Isegoría 44:73-88.
    John Stuart Mill es un autor que genera tanta fascinación y lealtad —por la asombrosa coherencia entre sus ideas, su vida y su práctica política— como indiferencia y paternalismo. En este último caso queda descalificado como un autor ecléctico, inclasificable, ni liberal ni socialista, ya lo había dicho Marx: «Mill, ese pequeño burgués bienpensante». Inmersos como estamos en las publicaciones que continúan celebrando el bicentenario de su nacimiento, es un buen momento para valorar por qué su figura y su obra (...)
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  6. Teoría feminista: de la Ilustración a la globalización.Celia Amorós & Ana de Miguel Álvarez (eds.) - 2019 - Barcelona: Biblioteca Nueva.
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    Regulating germline editing in assisted reproductive technology: An EU cross‐disciplinary perspective.Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen, Oliver Feeney, Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, Lucia Galvagni & Kirmo Wartiovaara - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (1):16-32.
    Potential applications of genome editing in assisted reproductive technology (ART) raise a vast array of strong opinions, emotional reactions and divergent perceptions. Acknowledging the need for caution and respecting such reactions, we observe that at least some are based on either a misunderstanding of the science or misconceptions about the content and flexibility of the existing legal frameworks. Combining medical, legal and ethical expertise, we present and discuss regulatory responses at the national, European and international levels. The discussion has an (...)
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    Ana de Miguel, Neoliberalismo sexual. El mito de la libre elección, 3a. ed., Cátedra, Madrid, 2015, 355 pp. [REVIEW]Ana María Miranda Mora - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (78):211-218.
    Resumen: En este artículo reviso la interpretación de Eduardo Nicol de la teoría de la propiedad de Francisco Suárez. Para ello, presento la posición de Suárez acerca de la propiedad y la propiedad privada atendiendo dos cuestiones fundamentales. La primera es si la propiedad y la propiedad privada son derechos; la segunda es si ambos pertenecen a la naturaleza humana o no. Al final, argumento que la lectura de Nicol es insostenible, pues difícilmente puede admitirse que Suárez defendió algún tipo (...)
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    El doble rasero de la moral conforme al género. Reseña de: Ana De Miguel, Ética para Celia. Contra la doble verdad, Madrid, Ediciones B, 2021.Ana Cuervo Pollán - 2022 - Isegoría 66:03-03.
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    The Portuguese Astronomer Melo e Simas : Republican Ideals and Popularization of Science.Ana Simões & Luís Miguel Carolino - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (1):49-77.
    ArgumentThis paper analyses a process of co-construction of knowledge and its multiple forms of communication in a country of the European periphery in the early twentieth century. It focuses on Lieutenant Manuel Soares de Melo e Simas, a politically engaged Portuguese astronomer, who moved from amateur to professional during the political transition from the monarchy to the republic. Melo e Simas paralleled his professional career in continuous activity of communicating science to the public in the context of republicanism in a (...)
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    (1 other version)II congreso internacional de lógica, informática Y derecho.Ana Azurmendi & Miguel Sanchez-Mazas - 1985 - Theoria 1 (2):597-598.
  12.  30
    El cáncer de mama.Miguel Martín, Ana Herrero & Isabel Echavarría - 2015 - Arbor 191 (773):a234.
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    Financial Model for Universal Minimum Benefit for Spain.Noemi Pena Miguel, J. Inaki De la Peña Esteban & Ana Fernandez-Sainz - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 12 (1).
    The paper proposes a financial model suitable for ensuring the economic, financial and social sustainability of this basic protection. We have calculated the estimated cost for the Spanish population in 2010 and have estimated the cost for the following 12 years (three legislatures) under a range of demographic and economic assumptions. The results are then analysed to draw conclusions about the viability and sustainability of this basic social protection floor. A remarkable finding is that it is feasible to obtain greater (...)
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    An example of methodological process of grounded theory.Miguel Ángel Bonilla-García & Ana Delia López-Suárez - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 57:305-315.
    Grounded theory, a research method born out of the social sciences field, offers a flexible technique that allows simultaneous data collection and processing. Researchers using this method immerse themselves in an area of study, focusing their observations on the data and taking into consideration not only their own interpretations, but also those of the other subjects involved, in order to strengthen their understanding of the social phenomena under examination. This text briefly describes the concept of grounded theory and uses concrete (...)
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    Democracia y digitalización: implicaciones éticas de la IA en la personalización de contenidos a través de interfaces de voz.Luis Miguel Pedrero Esteban & Ana Pérez Escoda - 2021 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 26 (2).
    Artificial intelligence in all its developments is advancing faster than the capacity of institutions and organizations to offer legal, but also deontological responses: assuming the ethical implications of the new digital scenarios where technology learns from human routines to personalize content is fundamental from the academic, politicy and business spheres. This paper offers an interpretative framework of the evolution of smart speakers and voice assistants as tools for information singularization in parallel to the study of the European framework for the (...)
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    Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la educación.Ana María López Echeverry & Luís Miguel Echeverry Tobón - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  17. Reseña del libro de Ana de Miguel "Neoliberalismo sexual: El mito de la libre elección". [REVIEW]Marina García-Granero Gascó - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 20:189-194.
  18.  45
    Stability of autobiographical memory in young people with intellectual disabilities.Claudia Morales, Antonio L. Manzanero, Alina Wong, Mar Gómez-Gutiérrez, Ana M. Iglesias, Susana Barón & Miguel Álvarez - 2017 - Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 27 (1):79-84.
    The present study aimed to analyze the stability of the memory of a stressful event (medical examination within a hospital setting) over time in young people (age range 12 to 21, Mage = 15.11 years old, SD = 3.047) with mild or moderate intellectual disability (IQ = 54.32, SD = 13.47). The results show a stability of the memory of what happened an hour and a week after the event in relation to the people involved, the apparatus used, and the (...)
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  19. Será que Deus existe?Richard Swinburne, Desidério Murcho, Ana Cristina Domingues, Miguel Fonseca & Maria Leonor Xavier - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):1110-1110.
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    Study of Geometric Illusory Visual Perception – A New Perspective in the Functional Evaluation of Children With Strabismus.Juliana Tessari Dias Rohr, Cassiano Rodrigues Isaac, Adriano de Almeida de Lima, Ana Garcia, Procópio Miguel dos Santos & Maria Clotilde Henriques Tavares - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Despite the various perceptual-motor deficits documented in strabismus, there is a paucity of studies evaluating visual illusions in patients with strabismus. The aim of this study was to examine how the illusionary perception occurs in children/adolescents with strabismus with referral for surgery to correct ocular deviations. A controlled cross-sectional study was carried out in which 45 participants with strabismus and 62 healthy volunteers aged 10–15 years were evaluated. The behavioral response to three geometric illusions [Vertical-Horizontal illusion, Müller-Lyer illusion and Ponzo (...)
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    Recensión de la obra "Neoliberalismo sexual" de Ana De Miguel.Noelia Felpeto Rodríguez - 2019 - Télos 22 (1-2):123-128.
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    DE MIGUEL, Ana : Neoliberalismo sexual. El mito de la libre elección.Rosalía Romero Pérez - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:151.
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    Ramiro Avilés, Miguel Ángel. Filosofía política y derechos humanos, Madrid: Dykinson, 2024.Ana Colomer Segura - 2024 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 52:106-114.
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    Contra la doble verdad / Against the double truth. Ana de Miguel, Ética para Celia. Contra la doble verdad. Penguin Random House, Grupo Editorial, Barcelona, 2021. [REVIEW]Nerea Pin Portela - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Sátira e alienação na construção do narrador não confiável em Goethe e Machado de Assis.Ana Laura dos Reis Corrêa - 2020 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 26 (1):194-202.
    A partir da leitura de Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther, com base nos artigos de György Lukács e Miguel Vedda sobre esse romance de Goethe, e considerando o conjunto da obra de maturidade de Machado de Assis, quando o narrador assume a condução da narrativa guiando-a no ritmo frívolo e volúvel do capricho de classe, pretende-se investigar, neste texto, de que maneira a composição satírica de um narrador não confiável estabelece conexões entre esses dois escritores que deram forma sensível (...)
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    Letra e ressurreição: O corpo escrito de “Ana Lívia Plurabella”, de James Joyce.Samudio Jonas Miguel Pires - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1525.
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    Arte brasileira e filosofia: Espaço Aberto Gerd Bornheim.Rosa Dias, Gaspar Paz, Ana Lúcia de Oliveira & Ana Cristina de Rezende Chiara (eds.) - 2007 - Rio de Janeiro: UAPE.
    Dias de Nietzsche em Turim de Bressane / Dias / Miguel Angel de Barrenechea -- A atopia potente de Antonio das Mortes: pensamento original e perspectiva histórica / Rodrigo Guéron -- Dioniso é Brasileiro? / Selda Engelman -- Theatrum Mundi: Filosofia e canção / Olgária Chaim Matos -- Uma filosofia do amor em Cartola / Rosa Dias -- Música e diferença: uma crítica à escuta "desinteressada" do cotidiano / Samuel Araújo -- As estruturas dualísticas dos cantos ritualísticos dos Índios (...)
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    Bentham e a justificação da Punição.Luís Miguel Rechiki Meirelles - 2022 - Controvérsia 18 (1):98-109.
    O escopo deste artigo consiste em analisar o problema da punição e como podemos justificar o dano intencional causado pelo Estado a um agente infrator no pensamento de Jeremy Bentham e na teoria utilitarista clássica. Para tal fim analisaremos a obra “Uma introdução aos princípios da moral e da legislação”, além de artigos de comentadores. O presente texto divide-se em cinco etapas, a saber, uma breve introdução, seguida de uma análise da proposta benthaniana e de sua concepção de Estado. Após, (...)
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    Pesquisas e possibilidades dos estudos lingúisticos no centro-oeste do Brasil.Eloisa Pilati & Cínthia Alves Pereira Miguel (eds.) - 2022 - Campinas, SP: Pontes.
    Preposição 'ni' no português brasileiro do centro-oeste -- Deslizamentos funcionais do verbo ver na língua falada em goiás/Brasil -- Variação no uso do imperativo gramatical no falar goiano : fatores internos -- Educação linguística de pessoas surdas : uma proposta de práticas de letramento nas perspectivas da tradução transcultural em travessias sociolinguísticas -- Reflexão linguística e consciência morfossintática no ensino da concordância verbal -- A gramática em esfera escolar e o uso da anáfora pronominal acusativa a de 3a pessoa -- (...)
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    CAPOGRASSI, GIUSEPPE, La experiencia común, (Edición y traducción de Ana Llano Torres; Prólogo de Miguel García-Baró), Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 2020, 231 pp. [REVIEW]Sergio Sánchez-Migallón - 2020 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (2):373-376.
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    Medical Responsibility in the Colombian Context: A Review of Negligence from the Legal Framework and Ethical Perspective. [REVIEW]Carlos Alberto Aponte García, Ana María Lozano Hurtado, Leidy Johana Arcila Montoya, Luis Carlos Muñoz González & Maria Del Pilar Garcia Valdes - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1884-1897.
    This article explores medical responsibility and negligence from an ethical and legal perspective within the Colombian context. It highlights causes of negligence such as deficiencies in professional training and organizational problems. The article emphasizes "objective imputation as key to determining the criminal responsibility of the physician" (Alvarado D. 2019). The objectives include analyzing the current legal framework in Colombia and assessing the link between medical ethics and legal responsibility. The methodology builds upon a thorough examination of specialized literature, including peer-reviewed (...)
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    The power of islands and of discipleship: Francisco de Arruda Furtado (1854–1887) and the making of a disciple of Darwin. [REVIEW]David Felismino, Conceição Tavares & Ana Carneiro - 2016 - History of Science 54 (2):138-168.
    This paper focuses on the biography of the Portuguese naturalist Francisco de Arruda Furtado, born on São Miguel Island, in the Azorean archipelago, in 1854, who became part of an international network of naturalists. Despite his short life, he produced original research on malacology (the study of molluscs), and from his youth Furtado claimed to be a disciple of Darwin. Informed by recent literature reflecting on the resurgence of biography in the history of science, the narrative of Furtado’s life (...)
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    De la Cueva, Julio, Hernando de Larramendi, Miguel y Planet, Ana I. (eds.), Encrucijadas del cambio religioso en España. Religión, cristianismo e islam. Comares, Granada, 2018, 248 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9045-593-7. [REVIEW]Rafael Ruiz Andrés - 2021 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 24:150-152.
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    El dualismo en Miguel de Unamuno: análisis de tres dualidades.Sáenz de Argandoña & Pedro María - 1988 - New York: Senda Nueva de Ediciones.
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    An Escape From Vardanyan’s Theorem.Ana de Almeida Borges & Joost J. Joosten - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1613-1638.
    Vardanyan’s Theorems [36, 37] state that $\mathsf {QPL}(\mathsf {PA})$ —the quantified provability logic of Peano Arithmetic—is $\Pi ^0_2$ complete, and in particular that this already holds when the language is restricted to a single unary predicate. Moreover, Visser and de Jonge [38] generalized this result to conclude that it is impossible to computably axiomatize the quantified provability logic of a wide class of theories. However, the proof of this fact cannot be performed in a strictly positive signature. The system $\mathsf (...)
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    First-person representations and responsible agency in AI.Miguel Ángel Sebastián & Fernando Rudy-Hiller - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7061-7079.
    In this paper I investigate which of the main conditions proposed in the moral responsibility literature are the ones that spell trouble for the idea that Artificial Intelligence Systems could ever be full-fledged responsible agents. After arguing that the standard construals of the control and epistemic conditions don’t impose any in-principle barrier to AISs being responsible agents, I identify the requirement that responsible agents must be aware of their own actions as the main locus of resistance to attribute that kind (...)
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    Amygdala Modulation During Emotion Regulation Training With fMRI-Based Neurofeedback.Ana Rita Barreiros, Inês Almeida, Bárbara Correia Baía & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Surrogacy: Challenges and Ambiguities.Ana Rita Igreja & Miguel Ricou - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (1):60-77.
    Surrogacy is an increasingly frequent form of family building and allows individuals to become parents despite an infertility diagnosis or a biological impossibility. Positive outcomes for both the surrogacy child and the surrogate mother have been reported, including in cases of same-sex male couples and single persons. There is an on-going debate because remuneration does not necessarily involve undue inducement of the surrogate or transformation of the child into a commodity. The right to regret and the doctors’ autonomy are also (...)
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    CEO letters: Social license to operate and community involvement in the mining industry.Blanca de-Miguel-Molina, Vicente Chirivella-González & Beatriz García-Ortega - 2018 - Business Ethics 28 (1):36-55.
    This paper aims to analyse how the discourse of CEO letters and other factors influence community involvement and Social Licence to Operate (SLO) in the mining industry. The analysis is based on qualitative information disclosed in sustainability reports and CEO letters from 32 mining firms. Content analysis was undertaken to obtain data for the study, and then a regression analysis and a multiple correspondence analysis were used to test the hypotheses defined in the study. The results indicate that the CEO (...)
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    CEO letters: Social license to operate and community involvement in the mining industry.Blanca de‐Miguel‐Molina, Vicente Chirivella‐González & Beatriz García‐Ortega - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (1):36-55.
    This paper aims to analyse how the discourse of CEO letters and other factors influence community involvement and Social Licence to Operate (SLO) in the mining industry. The analysis is based on qualitative information disclosed in sustainability reports and CEO letters from 32 mining firms. Content analysis was undertaken to obtain data for the study, and then a regression analysis and a multiple correspondence analysis were used to test the hypotheses defined in the study. The results indicate that the CEO (...)
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  41. Digital Covid Certificates as Immunity Passports: An Analysis of Their Main Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues.Íñigo de Miguel Beriain & Jon Rueda - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (4):1-8.
    Digital COVID certificates are a novel public health policy to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. These immunity certificates aim to incentivize vaccination and to deny international travel or access to essential spaces to those who are unable to prove that they are not infectious. In this article, we start by describing immunity certificates and highlighting their differences from vaccination certificates. Then, we focus on the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in their use, namely autonomy and consent, data protection, equity, and (...)
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    “Guess what I'm doing”: Extending legibility to sequential decision tasks.Miguel Faria, Francisco S. Melo & Ana Paiva - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 330 (C):104107.
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    Immunity passports, fundamental rights and public health hazards: a reply to Brown et al.Iñigo de Miguel Beriain & Jon Rueda - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (10):660-661.
    In their recent article, Brownet alanalyse several ethical aspects around immunity passports and put forward some recommendations for implementing them. Although they offer a comprehensive perspective, they overlook two essential aspects. First, while the authors consider the possibility that immunological passports may appear to discriminate against those who do not possess them, the opposite viewpoint of immune people is underdeveloped. We argue that if a person has been tested positive for and recovered from COVID-19, becoming immune to it, she cannot (...)
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    Young People’s Autonomy and Psychological Well-Being in the Transition to Adulthood: A Pathway Analysis.Miguel Melendro, Gema Campos, Ana Eva Rodríguez-Bravo & Delia Arroyo Resino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Regulating germline editing in assisted reproductive technology: An EU cross‐disciplinary perspective.Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen, Oliver Feeney, Iñigo Miguel Beriain, Lucia Galvagni & Kirmo Wartiovaara - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (1):16-32.
    Potential applications of genome editing in assisted reproductive technology (ART) raise a vast array of strong opinions, emotional reactions and divergent perceptions. Acknowledging the need for caution and respecting such reactions, we observe that at least some are based on either a misunderstanding of the science or misconceptions about the content and flexibility of the existing legal frameworks. Combining medical, legal and ethical expertise, we present and discuss regulatory responses at the national, European and international levels. The discussion has an (...)
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    Playing only one instrument may be not enough: Limitations and future of the antiangiogenic treatment of cancer.Ana R. Quesada, Miguel Ángel Medina & Emilio Alba - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (11):1159-1168.
    Angiogenesis plays an essential role in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. After initial pessimism about the usefulness of the antiangiogenic therapeutic approach for cancer, interest has increased in the development of antiangiogenic compounds after the first clinical approval of an antiangiogenic therapy. The anti‐vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibody bevacizumab has recently been approved for use in combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic colorectal and non‐small cell lung cancer patients. However, no survival benefit has been demonstrated in anti‐VEGF (...)
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    Validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) in a Brazilian Sample.Ana Carolina Zuanazzi, Gregory J. Meyer, Konstantinos V. Petrides & Fabiano Koich Miguel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study of the relationship between reasoning and emotional processes is not new in Psychology. There are currently two main approaches to understanding the aspects related to these processes called emotional intelligence: the ability model and the trait model. This study focuses on the latter, analyzing the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire in a Brazilian sample. 4314 adults with ages ranging from 18 to 60 years answered the TEIQue and other online instruments measuring emotional (...)
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  48. Re-defining the human embryo: A legal perspective on the creation of embryos in research.Íñigo De Miguel Beriain, Jon Rueda & Adrian Villalba - 2024 - EMBO Reports.
    The notion of the human embryo is not immutable. Various scientific and technological breakthroughs in reproductive biology have compelled us to revisit the definition of the human embryo during the past 2 decades. Somatic cell nuclear transfer, oocyte haploidisation and, more recently, human stem cell-derived embryo models have challenged this scientific term, which has both ethical and legal repercussions. Here, we offer a legal perspective to identify a universally accepted definition of ‘embryo’ which could help to ease and unify the (...)
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    Is the ‘serious’ factor in germline modification really relevant? A response to Kleiderman, Ravitsky and Knoppers.Iñigo De Miguel Beriain - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):151-152.
    Should we use human germline genome modification (HGGM) only when serious diseases are involved? This belief is the underlying factor in the article written by Kleiderman, Ravitsky and Knoppers to which I now respond. In my opinion, the answer to this question should be negative. In this paper, I attempt to show that there are no good reasons to think that this technology should be limited to serious diseases once it is sufficiently proven to be safe and efficient. In fact, (...)
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    Mandatory vaccination and the ‘seat belt analogy’ argument: a critical analysis in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.Iñigo de Miguel Beriain - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):219-224.
    The seat belt analogy argument is aimed at furthering the success of coercive vaccination efforts on the basis that the latter is similar to compulsory use of seat belts. However, this article demonstrated that this argument does not work so well in practice due to several reasons. The possibility of saving resources in health care does not usually apply in our societies, and the paternalist mentality that contributed to the implementation of seat belt–wearing obligation was predominant 30 years ago, but (...)
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